
Lesson 1 - Embedded Spritzer Controller

This is the easiest way to use the Spritz SDK for JavaScript. Simply load the JavaSscript into your page, initialize the client with your application ID, and define an element with data-role="spritzer" on your page. You will get a redicle on your page that will Spritz the page that hosts it.

Supporting files to download for Example 1

Example1.html (this file)
login_success.html (this is a required file to download and host on your website).

In order for your login success file to work, please ensure that your redirectUri parameter points to the location of your login_success.html file and that you include the full protocol and path to this file. For example your redirectUri setting should look something like:

redirectUri: "http://mysite.com/login_success.html"

Please also ensure that your callback uri matches the originating domain. Make sure that if your website visitor is visiting www.mysite.com/somepage.html that your redirect uri includes www. and that if your visitor is coming from mysite.com/somepage.html that the redirect uri does not include www.

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